I attended Pioneer Memorial Church this morning on the suggestion of one of the Deans of the college for Sabbath worship. It was a wonderful experience after I got over the initial nerve racking anxiety. I tell you, I never thought I had a problem with this before but it has proven to me that yes, I do.
I will save you the initial details of my freaking out experience and get down to the nitty gritty of things, shall I say. First, I would suggest you catalog this website into your fav's somewhere or podcast area www.pmcchurch.tv . Today's sermon was a continuation, and I look forward to getting session one.
Let's Go to 1 Samuel 1:14 "Lessons from the White Spider" II (the answers will be capitalized)
I am not going to re-preach Pastor Nelson sermon, I'm going to give you the exact same lessons to live by that he gave the congregation this morning.
Lesson # 1- God isn't dependent on NUMBERS. vs 14:6
-Leviticus 26:8
Lesson #2-COURAGE is contagious. vs 14:6
-Theodore Roosevelt: "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, who face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
Lesson #3- With God you must climb with an "ADVANCE MENTALITY" vs 7-9
-Erwin Raphael McManus: Somehow Jonathan understood that when you're moving with God, you must move with and advance mentality. You move forward unless God tell you to stop. You advance unless God tells you to wait. There are certain things that you do not need permission to do. You've already been commissioned to do them [What would that be?] There are certain things you do not need a calling to do. You've already been commanded to do them" (Seizing Your Divine Moment 155)
Lesson #4-For some mountaintops the greatest challenge is the ARRIVAL, not the ascent. vs 11-12
-Elijah (Mt Carmel Experience-->[ top of the mountain] threat of death from Queen Jezebel ->ran for his life--> series of emotional events.
-"In the valley of humiliation, where men [and women] depend on God to teach them ad to guide their every step, there is comparative safety. But the men [and women] who stand, as it were, on a lofty pinnacle [mountain]...-these are in gravest peril. Unless such [people] make God their DEPENDENTS, they will surely fall." (PK 60)
Lesson #5- LEADERS must LEAD. vs 12
-John Maxwell: "Leadership is INFLUENCE- nothing more, nothing less."
-1 Corinthians 11:1-"Follow MY example, as I follow the example of CHRIST."
Lesson #6-Speak FAITH into your climb and battle. vs 12
-Exodus 14:13,14- "Do not be afraid. Stand firm. The LORD will FIGHT for you; you need only stand still."
- 2 Chronicles 20:15- "Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the BATTLE is not yours, but God's."
-2 Chronicles 32:7,8- "With us is the LORD our God to help us and to FIGHT our BATTLES."
-1 John 5:4- "This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our FAITH."
-Almighty power is not in our FAITH; our faith is in the power of the ALMIGHTY.
Lesson #7- Stay "right behind" your divine Jonathan
"Climb up after Me"
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Trusting in the MAN with the Plan
Have you ever seen the movie final destination? I have and praise him....I am not on that path....I'm on Gods.
This morning I left NY at 4:23 am after a few hours of sleep. I awoke, reminisced for a few moments, prayed, dressed said my thank you and good byes. My twin and I were on the road. I had first drive. I drove from Syracuse to 96 miles outside of Toledo, Ohio. I was getting sleepy by then. We stopped gassed up the car and Ralph took over. I prayed through our travel, talked to the lord and was thinking through some scriptures. I was updating my progress along the way via face book and talking with my sister, Renee. As we continued on, I was reading Psalms 62 and verse 8
Psalm 62:8 (New International Version)
8 Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge.
Just as I finished reading the last word, my brother said, the tire just blew, I said where, he said on the trailer, driver side. We pulled over, we were in a dangerous spot on the highway. The car shook fiercely as the trucks flew by at 70 plus miles per hour...(thanks to Indiana's speed limit). We sat there for a minute. I said, to the lord, okay, Lord we have a blown tire. My brother said we have to get out of the car. Its not safe. So we got out. Now, mind you one hour prior to this my cell phone was fully charged. When I went to call the trailer company for roadside assistance my phone battery began to die. I said, Lord, hold this battery life long enough for me to get this information to the operator. Midway through the call the phone died. I didnt have enough power to call them back but I had enough to leave a message on my sisters voice mail to pray.
One hour passed, we sat there, I was in the most peaceful state, singing one of my favorite 5 2 life songs, praising God, thanking him that the trailer didn't flip over and that my first reaction wasn't a complaint but a thank you. I told my brother you know people don't stop anymore to see if you need help... I wonder why that is..... he replied, I dont know... I sat down on the very hot side rail about 20 ft away from the car for safety reasons and this car drove by with some young people in it who waved at me. I wave back with a smile. I thought that was nice. Soon after that, a white van pulled up and Ed got out and said you two okay, we said yes, and asked if he was from the trailer company. He replied, no. He said he would send us some help. We both said thank you. Not ten minutes passed and a big Red truck pulled up and with a nice man who had been married to his wife for 30 years and I didnt get his name but he stayed there with us the entire time. His truck was equipped with one of those big yellow arrows that tells you to get over in the other lane. He said, your car is safe now, you can sit in it if you like. I trusted him. I returned to my car. We waited another hour, in that time the state trooper showed up and asked if the tow company had come and they hadn't. I asked the gentlemen in the big Red truck if I could use his cell phone to call the company again and I did. He was able to give them our exact location. The tow company was there in no time. When the tow man showed up, I asked him his name, he said Lee, I said Lee, I said a prayer for you. He said thank you and I will continue to pray for you until you are done. He smiled. God kept him, us and the man in the big red truck. The Red truck and tow truck waited till we were safely in our car and on our way. Now, here is the run down,
1. My tire blew on my trailer
2. It did not flip over and kill my twin and I
3. A fully charged phone died
4. I missed my housing appointment
5. I met three new people and prayed for them
6. The significance of the Three Men, the colors White and Red is overwhelming(I can't even begin to break that down for you right now)
7. I arrived at my appointed destination, B-S, Michigan at the Fullness of time.
8. I had the opportunity to spend the evening with my brother and sister-n-law and niece.
So all I can say is, Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,a]" style="font-size: 0.75em; line-height: 0.5em; ">[a] whob]" style="font-size: 0.75em; line-height: 0.5em; ">[b] have been called according to his purpose.
& Psalm 62:8
Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. Selah
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